
    • Original Paper
    Quantum-like Qualia hypothesis: from Quantum Cognition to Quantum Perception

    Tsuchiya, N., Bruza, P., Yamada, M., Saigo, H. & Pothos, E. (2024)
    Front.Psychol. 15 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1406459

    • Original Paper
    Optogenetic activation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons induces brain-wide activation

    Hamada H.T., Abe Y., Takata N., Taira M, Tanaka F.K. and Doya K (2024)
    Nat Commun 15, 4152.

    • Invited Lecture
    Tanabe’s Mediation Theory: Its Essence and Potentialities

    Speaker: Taguchi, S.
    Society: Colloque international de phénoménologie « La phénoménologie et “l’oubli” du Japon. Rôle et signification du “Japon” dans la phénoménologie au XXIe siècle »
    Place: Université de Strasbourg

    • Original Paper
    Overlapping yet dissociable contributions of superiority illusion features to Ponzo illusion strength and metacognitive performance

    Matsuyoshi, D., Isato, A. & Yamada, M. (2024)
    BMC Psychol, 12(108),

    • Invited Lecture
    Somatic and neural synchrony in social interactions, team flow, and beyond

    Speaker: Shimojo, S.
    Society: The 53rd NIPS International Symposium Neural Dynamics and Information Processing in the Brain and Body, National Institute for Physiological Sciences.
    Place: National Institute for Physiological Sciences

    • Original Paper
    Explicit and implicit effects of gaming content on social media on the behavior of young adults

    Jitoku D., Kobayashi N., Fujimoto Y., Qian C., Okuzumi S., Tei S., Matsuyoshi D., Tamura T., Takahashi H., Ueno T., Yamada M. & Fujino J. (2024)
    Frontiers in Psychology, 15,

    • Original Paper
    Hip and lumbosacral joint centre locations in asian population: Biases produced by existing regression equations and development of new equations

    Sado, N., Edagawa, T., Fujimori, T., Hashimoto S., Okamoto Y., and Nakajima T.(2024)
    J Biomech 162, doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2023.111866

    • Invited Lecture
    Introduction to implicit brain functions

    Speaker: Shimojo, S.
    Society: Huntington Medical Institute, Retreat
    Place: Huntington Medical Institute, Pasadena, CA.

    • Invited Lecture
    From Relation to Mediation: The Potential of ‘Disconnecting Connection’ in Husserl and Hajime Tanabe

    Speaker: Taguchi, S.
    Society: The annual meeting of the Polish Phenomenological Association
    Place: Online

    • Poster Presentation
    Optogenetic activation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons induces a brain-wide activation of reward-related circuits.

    Speaker: Hamada, H.T.
    Society: Society for Neuroscience 2023
    Place: Washington D.C.

    • Original Paper
    Hippocampal volume mediates the relationship of parental rejection in childhood with social cognition in healthy adults

    Kawamoto M, Takagishi H, Ishihara T, Takagi S, Kanai R, Sugiura G, Takahashi H, Matsuda T. (2023)
    Sci. Rep., 13(1), 19167,

    • Original Paper
    Multimodal imaging for validation and optimization of ion channel-based chemogenetics in nonhuman primates

    Hori Y., Nagai Y., Hori Y., Oyama K., Mimura K., Hirabayashi T., Inoue K., Fujinaga M., Zhang MR., Takada M., Higuchi M., and Minamimoto T. (2023)
    Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (39), 6619-6627,