
    • Poster Presentation
    The relationship between precompetitive physiological states and superior performance in elite snowboarders

    Speaker: Matsumura, S., Watanabe, K., Minami, S., Saijo, N., Ohishi, Y. and Kashino, M.
    Society: MS9 Retreat Conference 2023
    Place: Lectore Hayama Shonan Kokusai-mura

    • Poster Presentation
    The relationship between precompetitive physiological states and superior performance in elite extreme sport athletes

    Speaker: Matsumura, S., Watanabe, K., Minami, S., Saijo, N., Ohishi, Y. and Kashino, M.
    Society: MS9 Retreat Conference 2023
    Place: Lectore Hayama Shonan Kokusai-mura

    • Poster Presentation
    Preliminary investigation to clarify the concept of “MAEMUKI (forward-looking)”

    Speaker: Miyamae, M., Hamada, H., Yabe, Y., Isato, A., Hirao, T., Kurita, K., Terada, K., Inoue, R., Hirano S., and Yamada, M.
    Society: MS9 Retreat Conference 2023
    Place: Lectore Hayama Shonan Kokusai-mura

    • Poster Presentation
    Development of supporting methods for living forward-looking life

    Speaker: : Takahiro Hirao, Hiroaki Hamada, Kohei Kurita, Kokono Terada, Yoshiko Yabe, Mitsuhiro Miyamae, Natsuki Sado, Tempei Tominaga, Ayako Isato, Ryuto Inoue, Shigeki Hirano & Makiko Yamada
    Society: MS9 Retreat Conference 2023
    Place: Lectore Hayama Shonan Kokusai-mura