
    • Poster Presentation
    Brain and autonomic nerve activities related to competitive performance in elite freestyle snowboarders

    Speaker: Matsumura, S., Watanabe, K., Minami, S., Saijo, N., Ohishi, Y., Kashino, M.
    Society: Mechanisms of the Brain and Mind Winter Workshop 2024
    Place: Hokkaido

    • Original Paper
    Reduced serotonergic transmission alters sensitivity to cost and reward via 5-HT1A and 5-HT1B receptors in monkeys

    Hori, Y., Mimura, K., Nagai, Y., Hori, Y., Kumata, K., Zhang, R-M., Suhara, T., Higuchi, M. and Minamimoto, T. (2024)
    PLoS Biology, 22, 1, e3002445

    • Invited Lecture
    Introduction to implicit brain functions

    Speaker: Shimojo, S.
    Society: Huntington Medical Institute, Retreat
    Place: Huntington Medical Institute, Pasadena, CA.

    • Invited Lecture
    From Relation to Mediation: The Potential of ‘Disconnecting Connection’ in Husserl and Hajime Tanabe

    Speaker: Taguchi, S.
    Society: The annual meeting of the Polish Phenomenological Association
    Place: Online

    • Poster Presentation
    Optogenetic activation of dorsal raphe serotonin neurons induces a brain-wide activation of reward-related circuits.

    Speaker: Hamada, H.T.
    Society: Society for Neuroscience 2023
    Place: Washington D.C.

    • Original Paper
    Hippocampal volume mediates the relationship of parental rejection in childhood with social cognition in healthy adults

    Kawamoto, M., Takagishi, H., Ishihara, T., Takagi, S., Kanai, R., Sugiura, G., Takahashi, H. and Matsuda, T. (2023)
    Scientific Reports, 13(1), 19167,

    • Oral Presentation
    Application of the quantum-like model to bias against disconfirmatory evidence

    Speaker: Kentaro Tamaki, Makiko Yamada
    Society: Workshop on Quantum-Like Revolution 2023
    Place: Shiga University

    • Invited Lecture
    Concerning personal history, or neural hysteresis

    Speaker: Shinsuke Shimojo
    Conference: Keynote Lecture at Retreat, International Research Center for Neurointelligence, The University of Tokyo
    Place: Shonan International Village

    • Original Paper
    Multimodal imaging for validation and optimization of ion channel-based chemogenetics in nonhuman primates

    Hori, Y., Nagai, Y., Hori, Y., Oyama, K., Mimura, K., Hirabayashi, T., Inoue, K., Fujinaga, M., Zhang, MR., Takada, M., Higuchi, M., and Minamimoto, T. (2023)
    Journal of Neuroscience, 43 (39), 6619-6627,

    • Original Paper
    How to Become Conscious of Consciousness: A Mediation-Focused Approach

    Taguchi, S.(2023)
    Contributions to Phenomenology, 121, 193-211

    • Original Paper
    Digital Motor Biomarkers of Cerebellar Ataxia Using an RGB-Depth Camera-Based Motion Analysis System

    Suzuki, M., Hirano, S., Otte, K, Schmitz-Hübsch, T., Izumi, M., Tamura, M., Kuroiwa, R., Sugiyama, A., Mori, M., Röhling, HM., Brandt, AU., Murata, A., Paul, F. and Kuwabara, S. (2023)
    The Cerebellum, Epub ahead of pring,

    • Poster Presentation
    Assessing correlations between pre-competitive physiological states, whole-body movement, and competitive performance in elite extreme sports athletes

    Speaker: Matsumura, S., Watanabe, K., Minami, S., Saijo, M., Ohishi, Y. and Kashino, M.
    Society: 11th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience
    Place: Spain